Das Beste vom Balkan: Ein Führer zu Trojan's Vinprom Rakia - Bulgarian Treasures

The Best of the Balkans: A Guide to Trojan's Vinprom Rakia


If you want to experience the best of the Balkans, then Troyan's Vinprom rakia is for you. This high-quality fruit rakia is popular with locals and international visitors alike. With a wide range of products, Vinprom Troyan has something for everyone. Read on for a guide to the best products from this famous distillery.

1. What is Vinprom Troyan?

Vinprom Troyan is a Bulgarian company specializing in the production of rakia, a type of brandy very popular in the Balkan region. The company has a rich history dating back centuries when it was founded behind the walls of Troyan Monastery. Vinprom Troyan produces a wide range of rakia products, each with its own character and taste. The company is best known for its Trojan plum rakia, which is very popular with international customers.

2. What is rakia?

Rakia is a strong fruit brandy popular in the Balkans. It's made from a variety of fruits, but plum rakia is the most popular. Rakia is often compared to grappa because both are made from distilled fruit, but I find that rakia has a more complex flavor profile with notes of apricot, peach, cherry and apple. Rakia usually has an alcohol content of 40-50%, but Vinprom Troyan offers a range of products with an alcohol content between 18% and 50%.

3. The story of Vinprom Troyan

Vinprom Troyan is one of the most traditional rakia brands in Bulgaria. The production of Trojan Plum Rakia has a centuries-old tradition that has its origins behind the walls of the Trojan Monastery. In the following decades, the secret recipe and technology from the walls of the monastery managed to spread throughout the Trojan region. With great care and respect for the past, "VINPROM TROYAN" has preserved and developed these long-cherished traditions to this day. The company offers a wide range of plum rakia products that differ in both character and flavor but all share the same exceptional quality and craftsmanship that has been passed down through generations.

4. The product range of Vinprom Troyan

Vinprom Troyan offers a wide range of plum rakia products that differ both in character and taste. One of their most popular products is Old Plum Brandy Troyanska Slivova 7 years barrel aging. This plum brandy is aged in oak barrels for seven years, resulting in a smooth, smooth taste that's perfect to enjoy neat or as a drink over ice. If you are looking for something a little more powerful, the Zweigelt plum brandy offers a fruitier taste with notes of blackberries and cherries. Whatever your preference, Vinprom Troyan has something for your palate.

5. Why should you choose Vinprom Troyan?

If you're looking for an authentic Bulgarian rakia experience, you can't go wrong with Troyan's Vinprom. The products, made with centuries-old techniques and traditions, are among the best that the Balkans has to offer. And with the wide range of flavors, there is something for everyone. Whether you are a seasoned rakia fan or just starting out, Vinprom Troyan is definitely worth trying.


Vinprom Troyan is a Bulgarian producer of high-quality fruit rakia, using traditional methods and recipes passed down for centuries.With a wide range of products, all made with care and respect for the traditions of the region, Vinprom Troyan is the perfect choice for anyone looking for an authentic taste of the Balkans

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